Saturday, June 11, 2011


Day 17: your favorite memory.
why is this so terribly hard? i can't seem to think of a particular moment that i think of as my very favorite.
there are moments in every day that are my favorite. these moments aren't rare if you let them in.
they often come around sunset. when i realize just how great this life is.
the moment in the day when you just sit back, look at life as it unfolds around you and see, this place is pretty great. my heavenly father surely does love me. and hey, all those things that i was stressing and obsessing over for the greater part of the day, really don't matter. it will all work out in the end. and life is lovely.
i wish it was a feeling that was explainable. which is a word.
it's such a sense of calm and awe and love and just pure simple joy. it's not a kind of feeling that just bursts out, it's the kind that slowly fills you up and makes you whole.
and that is my favorite.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Day 16: your first kiss.
i love this story. it's a doozy.
do you know one casey schow? if you do you are lucky. he is one of the greatest guys i have ever met, and i was lucky to have him as my first kiss.
this is how it went down.
we had been "going out" for quite a while. and there were a few times that i think he wanted to kiss me, but i flat out told him that i would not kiss until i was 16. i was very stubborn.
one night, a while after my 16th birthday (of course), all of our group of friends were gathered in casey's upstairs movie room watching a movie. which we did often.
the movie was some guy flick. i honestly don't remember what it was. there was a man with a tattoo, and i believe he jumped out of a helicopter to save another man from the ocean....anywho at that very point, the height of the movie, there was a sudden eclipse.
i was paying full attention. then the screen disappeared from my view as casey cranked his neck all the way around from being to the side of me to suddenly being in front of me.
then we kissed.
i think. it took me a few minutes to come to full comprehension of what happened. and then my stomach flipped.
we were in complete view of everyone. and yet, no one saw. how i have no idea. but they certaintly were suprised when i told them.
and that my friends, is how it happened.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Day 15: your dreams.
i hate this question.
i know what i want out of life, but the getting there part is what i'm not so sure about. and it scares me.

i want to be 80 and be sitting on the front porch swinging with my best friend and be able to talk about the kids we raised, the fun and the hard times we had, and the things we learned.
i don't ever want things to be easy, because the second they are we forget the important things.
i want to marry a man that i can fully support in all he does. someone who will hold on to me real tight through everything.
i want to raise my kids and have them remember their mom as a wonderfully crazy woman who encouraged them and broke out into random made up song often.
i want to return to my Heavenly Father and Savior with wrinkles and gray hair. each of which i earned.

before all this i want to go places and do things. i just don't know what yet. or how. we'll see.


Day 14: what i wore today.
alllllll day.
ok not really. i just hate this one. it makes me feel like i need to go shopping.
which i don't. because you can't shop with no monies.
let that be a lesson to ye.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Day 13: this week.
what about it? that is extremely vague. i'm getting sick of this vagueness in this challenge. let's be honest, i'm really just sick of this challenge. but we're trying something new over here, called finishing what you start. it's hard.
so i guess i'll just highlight this week for you....
end favorite job
start new job
becoming braid obsessed
deep clean everywhere in the apt. but my own room. classic me.
be angry over lack of letter....but
lunch with mom, dad, gramps, and eli.
babysit eli
lay out, have same car drive by four times, then park. freak out and hide inside.
feel wierd about days off. but enjoy them.
park walks and "it happens".
oh and did i mention?
the end.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Day 12: what's in your bag.
please, just call me mary poppins. i always have a very full bag. and i will admit to having a very bad chap-stick addiction. horrible really. i need help. so let us begin...
currently in my bag is:
one copy of the book The Help. it's fabulous, highly recommend.
one letter from a certain missionary.
one spiral bound notebook to do what i will with.
one ace bandage for my poor knee. it dislikes running.
one package of orbit sweet mint. that refused to stay closed and now i have stray pieces of gum floating around in there.
my ipod. nuff said.
an almay clear complexion light/medium 200 compact.
two tubes of blistex medicated lip balm.
two tubes of soft lips lip balm....
one tube of carmex....
and one tube of revlon just bitten in crimson.
told's a problem.
then there is a bottle of hand sanitizer
a bottle of dark kiss lotion from bath and body works.
a bajillion pens
and one freakin sweet batman wallet filled with no limit of random cards and such.
an umbrella, for all the rain we've had as of recent.
and a water bottle.
the end. told you to call me mary poppins. but i'll go by m-pop thanks.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Day 11: your siblings.
i love these people.

first comes AnnDee Sue Jensen. she is gorgeous beyond belief and still the person i wish i could be. she has been a role model for me my whole life. when i was little (and sometimes still now) i would wish with all my heart to be just like her. she's amazing. that's all there is to it.
that's her with her beautiful boy.

then comes Cody Miner Jones. we call eachother crazy. it's a love thing. he has the biggest heart in the world. he would do anything for anyone. greatest man out there..except i never feel like he's a man haha. but i will always love him. him and all his awkward crazy quirks that make him exactly who he is.

that's him and his cute wife sarah.

next is Ian Reed Jones. i call him boy. he calls me girl. we're tight and what not. i sure do love him and all his oddness. he likes to rant, and i learned everything i know about it from him. he kills me with his stubborness, but i'm the same way. we get along in a wierd way. and i like it.

that's him and the girl he'll marry. it's cute.

lastly comes Micah Lennis Jones. ma bestest frand. we call eachother poopsie. it's sweet isn't it? you already heard all about him and how much i love him. he's cute and quiet, but i can get him to be loud. he does things like text me and ask when i am coming home cause he misses me. and he hates talking on the phone but every once in a while he will call me to talk for a whole ten minutes. that's a lot with him. i love him.

haha that picture basically sums him up. i love him so.

so those are the siblings. i guess i won some sort of heaven lottery because i love them all so much. i'm glad i get them forever cause i can't go a day without them. love love love. the end.


Day 10: what you wore today.
i hate this idea. i'm not one of those stylish bloggers. i don't dress particularly nice. i like style, i like looking at other people's clothes, and i think i can put cute outfits together, but...i don't feel like i can do it for myself. ridiculous right? i just have the hardest time combining all of my quirky strangeness into a style. it's frustrating for me.
so today.
i wore...
clothes. haha i'm so funny. right? right.
i wore dark skinny jeans--a daily staple.
a green 3/4 button down t-shirt looking thing.
black converse high tops.
and a bright purple belt.
wallah. magically stylish right? wrong. i promise to try on the next what you wore day. maybe...


Day 09: your beliefs.
oh i have so many.
i believe in my savior, Jesus Christ. that He died to atone for my sins. that He loves me very much. and that because of Him i will never be alone and i can return to my Father in heaven, who loves me too.

i believe family should always come first. that they are the few people we get to stick with for eternity and we better treat them like it.

i believe people are important. every one of them. and that you should treat them like it.

i believe luck is just giving yourself the benefit of the doubt. that you can do anything you put your mind to and are willing to work for.

i believe i can be whatever i want, as long as the Lord is on my side. and whether he is or not is entirely up to me.

i believe you can choose to shine. and no one can stop you once you make that choice.

i believe in putting myself in others shoes. of entertaining and attempting to understand their ideas, no matter how foreign they are to me, in order to better understand them.

i believe in having self-interest, and not allowing anyone to walk all over you. because you are a child of God. and they should know it.

i believe in having strong opinions. and admitting when you are wrong. as tough as that may be.

i believe in being true to myself. even when it's unpopular to be me.

i believe we all need something to believe in.


Day 08: a moment.
this one is hard. life is made of a zillion moments. how am i supposed to pick one?
ok i got it. now this is a re-occuring moment. one that i have every once in a while and that i am extremely grateful for.
there are those moments in my life when i realize how much i have, and how much i take for granted.
i had one of those slap me in the face again a couple of weeks ago and it was the best thing ever.

i was riding the bus home from work and i was stressing about some stupid something, much like i do everyday. to the point that i was in a no good, very bad, horrible kind of mood.
that's when i happened to stop my inward lamenting and look out the window.
what i saw made me want to cry.
there was a man, obviously homeless, bending down to pick one of the first dandy-lions of spring.
this man has nothing. he probably doesn't know where his next meal is coming from, and yet he has the time to enjoy God's creations on this earth. i have so much, and yet i felt no gratitude at the world Heavenly Father has created for me. this man did.
it amazed me. and helped me find my way to my knees that night to tell my Father that i am indeed grateful.
moments like those are what make a life.


Day 07: your best friend.
that's easy. let's just say i got real lucky in the best friend lottery. it's not always that a best friend stays constant. many of us have several "best friends" in our lives. because people change and grow apart.
there are however a few people that always have to love you forever no matter what you do. your family.
my lucky streak held strong when my family was picked. and i got all my best/closest friends for eternity.
my very best friend though, is one micah lennis jones.

that basically sums up our relationship. he's the only person i never, ever am afraid to tell everything. i never feel judged by him, and i know he loves me. i mean he has to. it's the law.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Day 06: my day.
i'm not at all positive what this means. if i had a day to myself i have to be honest and say there is nothing i love more than doing nothing. so that would be my day.
however; if there was a holiday made just for me...well i feel like one already was.
the day of all days for one lyndsie jones is thanksgiving.
i love this holiday above all others.
every thanksgiving is basically the same in my family, and i never want it to change.
the day before i go shopping with my mom, and i help to make pies and such with my ma.
on the day of all days, we go up to my grandfathers. he lives up hobble creek canyon. where there is always snow and no cell phone service. it's perfect.
we make and consume a giant thanksgiving feast with my whole family, and much of my extended family.
after the feast it is time for naps and a nice nature walk.
then comes my favorite part.
we set up the recording equipment.
much of my family is musically talented. especially my uncle. he brings the equipment, and every year we record a cd. it is the best. wild things often happen. like grandpa yodeling in the background of you are my sunshine. or ian and micah rapping out grandma got ran over by a reindeer.
basically the whole day is full of fun, food, and family. all the things i could never live with out.
so...if there was a day dedicated to me, it would be a thanksgiving do-over. and it would be fabulous.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Day 05: my definition of love.
let us be sappy. actually let us not. i do like being as hopelessly romantic as the next gal, but that's just because it's part of my personality. i love to love. but, i feel like a lot of girls my age tend to blow up love and "true love" to be a much bigger, more complicated thing than it is.
so here's what i think.
love is liking yourself more when you are around a certain person. it's being so comfortable that you can say something ridiculously stupid and just laugh it off rather than feel stupid. it's being willing, and wanting to do anything to make that other person more comfortable, or even just to see them smile. love is work. you won't always agree, and fights will be had, but you will work it out and carry on cause you love each other. and that's just how it works.
love is between a man and a woman.
love is between roommates and girlfriends.
love is between silly siblings.
love is between a mother and child.
a father and child.
anyone and anyone.
love can be, and is, something you can have with anyone you want to love.
obviously there is love where you kiss, and the love where you don't. but i feel like that's the main distinction between the two.
if i say i love you, it's always true. if i don't say i love you, don't worry. i probably do.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Day 04: what i ate. well that's super boring. so let's talk about what i ate, and what i was doing while eating. less boring.

Breakfast: i ate a bowl of the cap'n. much as i do every day. while eating the cap'n i was watching the cartoon invader zim. ever seen it? it's ridiculous. probably one of the wierdest cartoon's made, which usually means it's one of the favorites. invader zim is second only to spongebob squarepants. i'm four. so sue me.

Lunch: for lunch i went to olive garden. every wedneday is "daddy day". my grandpa takes my mom out to lunch. it's turned into an everyone who can come, comes. it's fabulous. today was grandpa, me, ian & april, cody & sara, and my ma. it was a joyous time. sugar was thrown. my grandpa said my hair was ugly and fought with the waiter, and brandon davis was discussed at length. oh and i ate cheese raviolii with half marinara sauce and half alfredo sauce. delish.

Dinner: for dinner i started with a side of strawberry applesauce. then continued with a light palet cleanser of a s'mores granola bar. followed by the leftovers of my raviolii. this was all consumed while i was working. very boring. but luckily there was much to do so there ya go.

Night night snack: more delicious apple sauce and flavored water. partaken of whilst having way too much ridiculous fun with my roomie mates. fabulous.

ending now.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Day 03: meet the parents. aren't they just two gorgeous people? I think so. I know several people who might say they have the best parents, but let's all be honest, i do. It's ok, you can borrow them if you want.

Let's talk about my ma.
I call her lady. she calls me a million different nicknames. know my mom for longer than a minute and you will have a nickname. or ten. my mom is crazy and so loving. she can get along with anyone and i don't think she
has a single inhibition in her body, which is definitely not fair. she will and does do anything and everything for her family. she's amazing, and the perfect mom for me. heaven only knows who i'd be without her.                
Now let's talk about the father. I call him papi. he just calls me Lyndsie. i love him more than i can say. i must tell you, my dad is my hero. he's been through so much more than anyone can know, but he still finds beauty in everything. my daddy is an extremely talented artist, something few get to see. he paints the most beautiful things. i aspire to be like him one day. the man is hilarious and  no one knows it. he loves tv land and all "old" shows and movies. i have years and years of memories of watching tcm with him until the wee hours of the morning. (tcm=turner's classic movies.) he can cook anything and make it taste delcious. he's a man of few words, but always worth listening to.                                                                                                                                                  

Basically i love them. the end.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Day 02: first love.
oh this post will be great.

meet my first love: Trent Haws Howard.

A fine specimen is he not? I was the little girl across the street. he was the boy i tortured. Trent and I were married on...ok so I don't know the date. I was four. he was three. we kissed. it was slobbery and not at all enjoyable from what i remember. and our older brothers held it over our heads for EVER. annoying when you're 10. and honestly only ok once you're in high school.
Luckily, we remained friends after our messy divorce at 7. (ok i made that up.) and Trent has been like a brother to me ever since.

He's a great young man and the best first love a girl could ask for. (excuse the many pictures, he's on his mission now, and i may miss him a bit.)

Friday, February 4, 2011


Day 01. Introduce yourself with pictures and words.
i've been intentionally avoiding starting this. because, being me, it's very likely i won't finish.
problem number two is i put way too much thought into these things. but here we go.

me: i'm a big bag of wierd and a walking contradiction. but really, who isn't?
i'm defined by my family and friends and would do anything for either.

i'm a big fan of being ridiculous and i refuse to take myself more seriously than i take teletubbies.

and i would be nothing (literally) without these two brilliant people.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I like band wagons. I like jumping. I'll jump on up on this one.
Day 01 – Introduce yourself with pictures and words
Day 02 – Your first love

Day 03 – Your parents

Day 04 – What you ate today 

Day 05 – Your definition of love

Day 06 – Your day
Day 07 – Your best friend

Day 08 – A moment

Day 09 – Your beliefs
Day 10 – What you wore today 

Day 11 – Your siblings

Day 12 – What’s in your bag

Day 13 – This week
Day 14 – What you wore today
Day 15 – Your dreams
Day 16 – Your first kiss
Day 17 – Your favorite memory

Day 18 – Your favorite birthday
Day 19 – Something you regret

Day 20 – This month

Day 21 – Another moment

Day 22 – Something that upsets you
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better

Day 24 – Something that makes you cry
Day 25 – A first
Day 26 – Your fears
Day 27 – Your favorite place

Day 28 – Something that you miss

Day 29 – Your aspirations

Day 30 – One last moment

Monday, January 17, 2011


playing steam roller with people twice your size will never be a good idea.
moose and goose will always rhyme. but never with kite.
if your laugh makes everyone else in the room want to kill you, you are the devil.
marcel the shell will always invoke laughter.

a list of small truths for you.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Dear byu women who feel it is acceptable to sleep on the couches provided in womens restrooms:
not acceptable. have you no shame?
i came here to pee. that is what one does in the bathroom.
oh you didn't get the memo? i don't care!
shame on you. and shame on your parents for not socializing you in a manner acceptable to me.
you make me, and all other proper bathroom users pee shy.
we don't want to go knowing you might awake to the sound of our pee.
your dumb. that's the gist of this. please sleep elsewhere.
or get used to the sound of my pee. I'll be back tomorrow.
until then, peaceful pee filled dreams ya creeps.
All my love, Lynds.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I have an intense fearful kind of hatred for macaulay culkin.
it's not something i fully understand, and something i just learned is unique to me.
i thought everyone disliked him.
he creeps me out.
has since forever.
i have always refused to watch the home alone movies for the mere fact that i would have to watch him for over an hour.

macaulay, you are my worst nightmare.

Monday, January 3, 2011


sometimes you only need to shave one leg.
to roll around in the snow almost naked.
and have a dance/zen party.

happy new year.