Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Day 06: my day.
i'm not at all positive what this means. if i had a day to myself i have to be honest and say there is nothing i love more than doing nothing. so that would be my day.
however; if there was a holiday made just for me...well i feel like one already was.
the day of all days for one lyndsie jones is thanksgiving.
i love this holiday above all others.
every thanksgiving is basically the same in my family, and i never want it to change.
the day before i go shopping with my mom, and i help to make pies and such with my ma.
on the day of all days, we go up to my grandfathers. he lives up hobble creek canyon. where there is always snow and no cell phone service. it's perfect.
we make and consume a giant thanksgiving feast with my whole family, and much of my extended family.
after the feast it is time for naps and a nice nature walk.
then comes my favorite part.
we set up the recording equipment.
much of my family is musically talented. especially my uncle. he brings the equipment, and every year we record a cd. it is the best. wild things often happen. like grandpa yodeling in the background of you are my sunshine. or ian and micah rapping out grandma got ran over by a reindeer.
basically the whole day is full of fun, food, and family. all the things i could never live with out.
so...if there was a day dedicated to me, it would be a thanksgiving do-over. and it would be fabulous.

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