Thursday, May 19, 2011


Day 08: a moment.
this one is hard. life is made of a zillion moments. how am i supposed to pick one?
ok i got it. now this is a re-occuring moment. one that i have every once in a while and that i am extremely grateful for.
there are those moments in my life when i realize how much i have, and how much i take for granted.
i had one of those slap me in the face again a couple of weeks ago and it was the best thing ever.

i was riding the bus home from work and i was stressing about some stupid something, much like i do everyday. to the point that i was in a no good, very bad, horrible kind of mood.
that's when i happened to stop my inward lamenting and look out the window.
what i saw made me want to cry.
there was a man, obviously homeless, bending down to pick one of the first dandy-lions of spring.
this man has nothing. he probably doesn't know where his next meal is coming from, and yet he has the time to enjoy God's creations on this earth. i have so much, and yet i felt no gratitude at the world Heavenly Father has created for me. this man did.
it amazed me. and helped me find my way to my knees that night to tell my Father that i am indeed grateful.
moments like those are what make a life.

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