Thursday, May 19, 2011


Day 09: your beliefs.
oh i have so many.
i believe in my savior, Jesus Christ. that He died to atone for my sins. that He loves me very much. and that because of Him i will never be alone and i can return to my Father in heaven, who loves me too.

i believe family should always come first. that they are the few people we get to stick with for eternity and we better treat them like it.

i believe people are important. every one of them. and that you should treat them like it.

i believe luck is just giving yourself the benefit of the doubt. that you can do anything you put your mind to and are willing to work for.

i believe i can be whatever i want, as long as the Lord is on my side. and whether he is or not is entirely up to me.

i believe you can choose to shine. and no one can stop you once you make that choice.

i believe in putting myself in others shoes. of entertaining and attempting to understand their ideas, no matter how foreign they are to me, in order to better understand them.

i believe in having self-interest, and not allowing anyone to walk all over you. because you are a child of God. and they should know it.

i believe in having strong opinions. and admitting when you are wrong. as tough as that may be.

i believe in being true to myself. even when it's unpopular to be me.

i believe we all need something to believe in.


  1. oh lynds, i'm so happy you've returned to the blogging world. we've missed you dearly. you are such a beautiful person inside and out. love you lots!

  2. ah thanks hays. i like you. thanks for the love dear :) p.s. i'm obsessed with your blog. each time you post is like christmas for me.
