Friday, December 31, 2010


lines of people are the devil.
they are awkward and when your arms are full of 20 pound books no one likes them.

thus, i went and bought my school books today. hooray. {rhyme intended}
to avoid the lines that would cause anger in my soul.

i have four classes this semester:
econ 110
anthro 205
new testament 255 {or some number there about}
french 102

lucky for me i already own my french book and a bible. so i only had to get books for two classes. no big deal right? WRONG sir!
for TWO classes i had to buy NINE books. NINE! SIX for just one class. but it's aight. i want to read those six anyway.

it was a lot of books. so i share.

last night i slept over with my friends from highschool that i haven't seen all together for a while.
one word.
i love them.

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