Friday, December 17, 2010


i've won. and you should be envious.
i've won the prize for procrastination. because i am the queen. i basically invented it. all you procrastinators out there bow down at my feet and worship your queen. or you know at least think about doing it. that would be more fitting.

it is currently...well not night anymore. early morning.
i have my last final, a paper, due in t-8 hours. and i haven't started.
i know. bravo.
celebrations are in order. or how about just a good rant? yes? ok.

miley cyrus/hannah montana/purity sucker/devil influence/need i go on?
i hate you.
your a whore. i'm sorry, but i must be straight with you. you are. and you always wanted to be didn't you? wasn't that your plan? lull me, and america, into a false sense of like and than BAM hit us with your whorishness. yes it was. shame on you.
and the real shame? it is on me. i like your music. and it brings me grief daily that this is a true fact.
so miley whoretana, i curse you.
i curse you and your catchy songs. as i once heard it said, "her songs are just so catchy!" "yes, well so are STD's."

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