Friday, December 31, 2010


the new year is almost here.
it will be here in approximately some hours.
and to herald in the newness i have some...
resolutions. dun dun dun.
i've never been big on them.
i always make ones i have no hope of keeping.
so this year, i just have three.

be happy.
do things.
love people.

i think that's all i need.
happy two zero one one.


lines of people are the devil.
they are awkward and when your arms are full of 20 pound books no one likes them.

thus, i went and bought my school books today. hooray. {rhyme intended}
to avoid the lines that would cause anger in my soul.

i have four classes this semester:
econ 110
anthro 205
new testament 255 {or some number there about}
french 102

lucky for me i already own my french book and a bible. so i only had to get books for two classes. no big deal right? WRONG sir!
for TWO classes i had to buy NINE books. NINE! SIX for just one class. but it's aight. i want to read those six anyway.

it was a lot of books. so i share.

last night i slept over with my friends from highschool that i haven't seen all together for a while.
one word.
i love them.

Friday, December 17, 2010


i am truely fabulous. you want to know how and why? oh i know you do.
i'm just increasing suspense. as is the usual practice of elegant ladies. (name that movie anyone? anyone? alright fine.)

remember my paper(s) that were due this morning? (it was technically papers. not just one. two prompts. two different things. yes.)
well remember how they were due at 9? i do.
remember how i fell asleep and didn't start them until 6? yeah me too.

so let us stop remembering and tell this story in real time.
i wake up. holy swears. it's 6. i have 3 hours to write two approximately 5 page papers.
put freak out on hold and just write lynds. you can do it. (is this too intense? younger viewers look away.)
8:20. finished with paper number 1. brilliant. next paper must be done in 40 minutes.
ever write a coherent 5 page paper in 40 minutes?
i highly doubt it. stop lying right now. you couldn't do it.
i apologize. that was harsh...

9:00. run out door. no time to change. no time to care.
arrive at JKB. print out paper(s) and run to SWKT to turn them in.
if you don't go to BYU this makes no sense to you. suffice it to say the SWKT is on the other side of campus from the JKB. i don't like waking. especially in the cold.

speaking of cold let us review what i wore this morning on my fabulous adventure.
flip flops.
hair=nastafrass bun.
also i had on a rather large hoodie....but....i didn't wear a bra.
i'm sorry. i'm ashamed.
i know you are too.
let me just tell you...i jingled all the way home.
hahah bad pun.

also i know it's been killing you.
i got my paper in on time.
was one significantly better than the other?
but there it goes.


i've won. and you should be envious.
i've won the prize for procrastination. because i am the queen. i basically invented it. all you procrastinators out there bow down at my feet and worship your queen. or you know at least think about doing it. that would be more fitting.

it is currently...well not night anymore. early morning.
i have my last final, a paper, due in t-8 hours. and i haven't started.
i know. bravo.
celebrations are in order. or how about just a good rant? yes? ok.

miley cyrus/hannah montana/purity sucker/devil influence/need i go on?
i hate you.
your a whore. i'm sorry, but i must be straight with you. you are. and you always wanted to be didn't you? wasn't that your plan? lull me, and america, into a false sense of like and than BAM hit us with your whorishness. yes it was. shame on you.
and the real shame? it is on me. i like your music. and it brings me grief daily that this is a true fact.
so miley whoretana, i curse you.
i curse you and your catchy songs. as i once heard it said, "her songs are just so catchy!" "yes, well so are STD's."

Sunday, December 12, 2010


you hear that noise?
oh don't be alarmed.
it's just my brain exploding.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010


cheap thrills.
lately, as in today mostly, i have been wishing for some excitement. something to look forward to, to make me giddy as a school girl inside. {seeing as how HP already came out, i need something new. i joke.} {but seriously though...}
and i realized that there is no lack of excitment, thrill, or joy in my life. just a lack of acknowledgement.

"She cultivates a taste for small pleasures: dipping her hand into sacks of grain...cracking creme brulee with a teaspoon...and skipping stones at St. Martin's Canal." -Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain