Sunday, March 6, 2011


Day 05: my definition of love.
let us be sappy. actually let us not. i do like being as hopelessly romantic as the next gal, but that's just because it's part of my personality. i love to love. but, i feel like a lot of girls my age tend to blow up love and "true love" to be a much bigger, more complicated thing than it is.
so here's what i think.
love is liking yourself more when you are around a certain person. it's being so comfortable that you can say something ridiculously stupid and just laugh it off rather than feel stupid. it's being willing, and wanting to do anything to make that other person more comfortable, or even just to see them smile. love is work. you won't always agree, and fights will be had, but you will work it out and carry on cause you love each other. and that's just how it works.
love is between a man and a woman.
love is between roommates and girlfriends.
love is between silly siblings.
love is between a mother and child.
a father and child.
anyone and anyone.
love can be, and is, something you can have with anyone you want to love.
obviously there is love where you kiss, and the love where you don't. but i feel like that's the main distinction between the two.
if i say i love you, it's always true. if i don't say i love you, don't worry. i probably do.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Day 04: what i ate. well that's super boring. so let's talk about what i ate, and what i was doing while eating. less boring.

Breakfast: i ate a bowl of the cap'n. much as i do every day. while eating the cap'n i was watching the cartoon invader zim. ever seen it? it's ridiculous. probably one of the wierdest cartoon's made, which usually means it's one of the favorites. invader zim is second only to spongebob squarepants. i'm four. so sue me.

Lunch: for lunch i went to olive garden. every wedneday is "daddy day". my grandpa takes my mom out to lunch. it's turned into an everyone who can come, comes. it's fabulous. today was grandpa, me, ian & april, cody & sara, and my ma. it was a joyous time. sugar was thrown. my grandpa said my hair was ugly and fought with the waiter, and brandon davis was discussed at length. oh and i ate cheese raviolii with half marinara sauce and half alfredo sauce. delish.

Dinner: for dinner i started with a side of strawberry applesauce. then continued with a light palet cleanser of a s'mores granola bar. followed by the leftovers of my raviolii. this was all consumed while i was working. very boring. but luckily there was much to do so there ya go.

Night night snack: more delicious apple sauce and flavored water. partaken of whilst having way too much ridiculous fun with my roomie mates. fabulous.

ending now.